Insert Symbols on Chat

16 Apr



Before we can insert symbols   activate NumLock on Keybord then press Alt+ (number according to symbol below)


Here is a way to Insert Secret Symbols from your Keyboard !


• Press and hold left Alt key on your keyboard.


• While holding Alt key enter one of the codes below to get the corresponding facebook symbol.


• Important note: You need to use numbers on the right side of the keyboard for entering code, not the numbers on top, otherwise they won’t work.


Laptop instructions for ALT facebook symbols:

• Press and hold left Alt key on your keyboard.


• While holding Alt key also press and hold Fn key.

• While holding Alt and Fn key enter one of the codes below to get corresponding facebook symbol.


• Important note: You need to use numbers that are usually written next to letters U, I, O… and in different color, not the numbers on top, otherwise they won’t work.


Alt + 1 ☺

Alt + 2 ☻

Alt + 3 ♥

Alt + 4 ♦

Alt + 5 ♣

Alt + 6 ♠

Alt + 7 •

Alt + 8 ◘

Alt + 9 ○

Alt + 10 ◙

Alt + 11 ♂

Alt + 12 ♀

Alt + 13 ♪

Alt + 14 ♫

Alt + 15 ☼

Alt + 16 ►

Alt + 17 ◄

Alt + 18 ↕

Alt + 19 ‼

Alt + 20 ¶

Alt + 21 §

Alt + 22 ▬

Alt + 23 ↨

Alt + 24 ↑

Alt + 25 ↓

Alt + 26 →

Alt + 27 ←

Alt + 28 ∟

Alt + 29 ↔

Alt + 30 ▲

Alt + 31 ▼


A – Z ,alt +( 65 to 90)

a – z , alt+(97 to 122)



alt+65 A

alt+66 B

alt+97 a

alt+98 b Etc !


Enjoy !


Team CrazyMazy 🙂

2 Responses to “Insert Symbols on Chat”

  1. NoTTy_PrInCE ! April 16, 2012 at 1:36 pm #

    Reblogged this on Abeyaustin's Blog.

  2. Kirby February 3, 2014 at 3:56 pm #

    i couldn’t figure out how to do this on laptop till now. thank you, it works!

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